Strategic Navigation through Economic Corridors: Intersecting Geoeconomics and Geopolitics
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature, UK
Year: 2025
The book is an in-depth investigation into the dynamic relationship that exists between geo-economics and geopolitics in the context of contemporary economic corridors. The book dives into the strategic significance of economic corridors, which are essential arteries of trade, investment, and connection across regions and nations. These corridors act as vital arteries. This study examines the ways in which a variety of geopolitical issues have an impact on the creation, management, and exploitation of these corridors, hence influencing the dynamics of regional power and the tendencies of the global economy. The book takes a multidisciplinary approach to investigate the intricate relationships that exist between economic interests, political aspirations, and security concerns throughout significant economic corridors all over the world. It investigates the ways in which governments, multinational enterprises, and international organizations negotiate the complex environment of geo-economic competitiveness and geopolitical conflicts in order to maximize their strategic advantages and minimize the risks they face.
Link: forthcoming

India’s Economic Corridor Initiatives: INSTC and Chabahar Port
Publisher: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, UK
Year: 2024
India’s Economic Corridor Initiatives discusses the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and Chabahar and their geo-economic importance.
India, Russia, and Iran created INSTC, and Iran’s Chabahar port offers India a vital trade link with West Central Asia while keeping Pakistan at a strategic distance. This book examines the tremendous changes in international relations, particularly between India and Eurasian nations. Iranian, Central Asian, Russian, Armenian, and European experts offer diverse perspectives. The chapters argue that these corridors can deescalate tensions through negotiations and offer an alternative to the BRI.
This book adds to the debate on contemporary dynamics in Eurasia and India and will interest researchers in economic corridors, transnational and trans-regional economic relationships, security, regional and area studies, international relations, and Indo-Iran-Russia relations.
Central Asia-Europe Relations: Linking Asia with Europe in Times of Expansions
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature, UK
Year: 2023
This book examines Central Asia’s economic and political development and the role of European countries and organizations in the region. It provides insights into Central Asia’s evolving geostrategic dynamics, analyzing policies, trends, and interactions. The book addresses challenges in Europe-Central Asia relations, offering recommendations and identifying future research areas. It highlights key discourses on the roles of European countries, China, and other players, exploring post-Soviet scenarios and recent shifts in international relations, particularly Russia and China’s influence. The book discusses the EU’s 2019 strategy and aims to strengthen relations between Europe and Central Asia, benefiting academics, practitioners, and policymakers.

Emerging Central Asia: Managing Great Power Relations
Publisher: Blue Dome Press, USA
Year: 2022
This book aims to explore how the Central Asian Republics have managed their relations with small and major powers during the 25 years following the collapse of the USSR. The authors identify and discuss the questions like: what are the Central Asian states’ interests and how they are pursuing them? What are the CAR states’ relationships with these powers, and what is changing? Are the great powers outsourcing policing or security responsibilities to the CAR?
India and Central Asia: The Strategy of Re (connectivity)
Publisher: KW Publishers, India
Year: 2020
Central Asia has become a key arena in the international power struggle, with Russia, China, and the US competing for security and energy interests. It also attracts Turkey, Pakistan, and notably India, which sees Central Asia as its “extended neighborhood.” Rich in resources and strategically located, Central Asia’s infrastructure and economic reforms make it an attractive partner for India. New Delhi is working to rebuild ancient ties and adapt them to 21st-century geopolitics. This book explores vital issues for Central Asian Republics and India, such as terrorism, China’s BRI initiative, connectivity challenges, and the region’s strategic, socio-political, and economic dynamics.

India and Central Asia: Emerging Extended Neighborhood
Publisher: New Century Publications
Year: 2022
Zayed came to his dream city, Delhi, to escape abject poverty and a not-too-good relationship with his abusive father. He thought he had found his moorings when he joined a prestigious University for higher education. But there were people around him who wanted him to believe, dress and talk in a certain way. He came to realise that ascetic teachings were the way to go. But that turned out to be an error, an error that was too late for him to turn around. In pursuit of his dreams to attain higher education, Zayed reaches Turkey. However, the trap around him keeps closing in. Zayed finds himself caught in the crossfire into two warring groups—one in favour of the ruling dispensation and the other fighting it. Despite his several attempts to escape the trap, Zayed ends up with the accusation of being with the radicals.
In his first fiction work, author Kashif Hasan Khan lays bare the choices that are there today before a Muslim youth, as those at the helm of their communities leave them virtually with no choice to lead a life independent of dogmas.